John A. Lovra – 10/7/04

This page was last updated on October 7, 2004.

Don’t vote for Nader; John A. Lovra; Beaver County Times; October 7, 2004.

This is Mr. Lovra’s fifth anti-Bush letter since September 30th.

This letter is mostly useless, but I wanted to address a couple of points anyway.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Looking at the results of the many, many polls being conducted daily to determine the possible results of this year’s presidential election tells me a few things.

“First, it will be a close election, with most polls giving George Bush a slight lead.

“Then the polls get even more detailed, with results among men, women, veterans, Democrats, Republicans, independents, undecided, different age groups and almost any possible group.

“There is one result from all of these polls that bothers me.

“With a stated margin of error, usually plus/minus 3 or 4 percentage points and the difference between Bush and Kerry usually falling within this margin, there is one result rarely being discussed.

“In all of these polls, Ralph Nader is receiving between 3 percent and as much as 6 percent of the vote.  What that tells me is that no matter what poll you look at, when Nader is added into the results, you see that a majority of those voters questioned want to send Bush back to Texas.

“The majority are not pleased with the job performance of Mr. Bush.  It is for this reason that I am hoping that all who are displeased with the president’s job vote for John Kerry.”

[RWC] Mr. Lovra is not paying attention to President Bush’s job ratings, or wants to mislead us.  As of the week of October 3, 2004, both the Fox News/Opinion Dynamic and ABC/Washington Post polls indicated 53% of those persons polled approve of the overall job President Bush is doing.  The questions used by each poll were “Do you approve or disapprove of the job George W. Bush is doing as president?” and “Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?,” respectively.

“Do not vote for Nader because this will only help George gain four more years.  Why do you think that so many known Republican supporters are helping get petitions signed to get Nader placed on as many ballots as possible and funneling money into his campaign?  Believe me, it’s not because of their love and reverence of the political process.

[RWC] I don’t recall a letter from Mr. Lovra when Democrats were trying to throw the Republican primary by getting Democrats to temporarily change their party registration so they could vote for Arlen Specter in the primary.  That was a lot more despicable than helping someone get on a ballot.  Besides, I thought liberals were for inclusion and diversity.

“If you are not satisfied with the job that Bush has done, vote Kerry.  Do not give Bush more years by default.”

[RWC] Ever notice the pro-Kerry gang is really anti-Bush?  There is a difference between being “anti” one thing and “pro” another.  For example, in this election I am pro-Bush, not anti-Kerry.

Other than making up reasons not to vote for President Bush, folks like Mr. Lovra never seem to present reasons to vote for John Kerry.  As I mentioned above, this is Mr. Lovra’s 4th anti-Bush letter in a week.  Mr. Lovra told us over and over why he thinks we should vote against President Bush.  In all those letters, though, not once did Mr. Lovra tell us why we should vote for John Kerry.  That tells me a lot.

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