Frank J. Mahr – 8/27/06

This page was last updated on August 27, 2006.

No more dancing for Santorum; Frank J. Mahr; Beaver County Times; August 27, 2006.

Mr. Mahr was busy bashing President Bush in his previous letter.  If Mr. Mahr’s U.S. rep is a Republican, we can probably expect a letter bashing him/her.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“When it comes to helping the rich and special interests, Rick Santorum is one of the best U.S. senators this state has ever had.”

[RWC] Where are the examples and the supporting evidence?

“But when it comes to helping the average people, he is one of the worst this state has ever had.

“And now that it is election time, he wants people to forget who he has been helping.”

[RWC] Where does Mr. Mahr get the idea elected officials are to “help” citizens?  In case you didn’t pick it up, “help” in this letter means taking money from one person’s paycheck or pension check and giving it to someone else.

“He claims to be strong on border security.  Check how many times he has voted against funding the border patrols.  He and his hired help want you to think that because of him that Medicare Part D is the greatest thing since frozen foods.

“Yet our premiums are up.  Our medicine costs are up.  We are paying medical services we didn’t pay before.  We no longer get medicines we used to get before.

“So tell me where Santorum has relieved the majority of the people in this state from the high cost of drugs when there is no bidding on the cost of the drugs and when they don’t spend over the ‘doughnut hole’ for their medicines?

“And who does this plan benefit, the pharmaceutical companies, the insurance companies or the average person?”

[RWC] Though I oppose any government drug plan, the Medicare prescription drug plan can’t help “the average person” or “the majority of the people” because “the average person” and “the majority of the people” aren’t on Medicare.

You’ll note Mr. Mahr didn’t propose any solutions to the “problems” he described.

Here’s the bottom line.  Mr. Mahr wants you and me to pay for his healthcare.

“Finally, he dances when he says he made sure people who are on Social Security are going to get what they deserve, while just two years ago he and Bush wanted to take money out of Social Security for private accounts.  The polka dancer was right.  He should move it because he lost it.”

[RWC] No money was going to be taken from Socialist Security.  As a reminder, SS taxpayers would have had the option of telling SS how they wanted a small portion of their SS taxes invested.  The Socialist Security Administration would have retained control over the accounts.  Remember, Democrats proposed the same plan in the late 1990s.  Further, the plan guaranteed people currently on SS would continue to receive their benefits and cost of living increases.

“This November I hope the voters in this state make him sit out the next dance.”

[RWC] Did you notice Mr. Mahr didn’t tell us how Sen. Santorum’s opponent would make Mr. Mahr’s problems go away?  This is a trend.  While we get a bunch of Santorum-bashing letters, those letters never tell us how Bob Casey will make things better.

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