Larry Mason – 9/23/09

This page was last updated on September 23, 2009.

Health care haves disdain have nots; Larry H. Mason; Beaver County Times; September 23, 2009.

Among previous letters from Mr. Mason were “When will troops leave Iraq?”, “Build another nuke plant,” “America must disarm Iraq,” “Win the war militarily,” and “Defeat on several fronts.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Most Americans have health care, while those without health care are a minority.

“The majority seldom cares about the minority. Those in the majority are not willing to give or risk anything that helps a minority.  It’s the same old ‘I’ve got mine, hooray for me and the heck with others.’  It gives them as [sic] sense of superiority.

“That’s why it’s so hard to pass a health-care bill.”

[RWC] When people can’t or don’t want to address the issues, they attempt to demonize their opponents as Mr. Mason did here.

Please read my paper entitled “Healthcare.”

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