Frank C. Mazzant – 12/17/08

This page was last updated on December 20, 2008.

What happened to ‘drill, drill, drill’?; Frank C. Mazzant; Beaver County Times; December 17, 2008.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“What happened to the oil shortage?  I thought we had to ‘drill, drill, drill’ to get the price of oil down.  I guess maybe there really isn’t an oil shortage like the drill people claim.”

[RWC] This is one of two oil company conspiracy letters today.

“Maybe it’s speculators who drove the price of oil through the roof.

“Maybe the oil companies found a ton of oil somewhere.”

[RWC] I guess the idea a worldwide recession and the free market are the reasons didn’t occur to Mr. Mazzant.

Here’s something that’s good for a chuckle.  A frequent comment contributor on the Times website wrote, “I can only think this has something to do with [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi’s [D-CA] expertise.  And I’m hoping there are a lot more good things to follow!”  The contributor provided no explanation for his conclusion.  In fairness to the comment contributor, a couple of days after his original post he claimed he “was tryin [sic] to be cute.”  That said, this particular person makes nonsensical comments like this all the time and stands behind them. As a result, there’s no way to tell if this time he was only “tryin [sic] to be cute.”

On the other hand, perhaps the comment contributor had a point.  After all, the left implemented, supported, and defended the mortgage lending policies and practices promoted by the government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  Since the meltdown caused by these “chickens coming home to roost” resulted in the current recession and the resultant drop in oil demand, perhaps Ms. Pelosi and her fellow travelers do deserve some “credit” for lower oil prices. <g>

“I wonder about these things, but, of course, I’m just a dummy from Beaver County.”

[RWC] I’m biting my tongue.

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