Don McClinton – 9/13/13


This page was last updated on September 13, 2013.

Fear for loss of column; Don McClinton; Beaver County Times; September 13, 2013.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“How sad to see The Times slip beneath the waves of politically correct reporting with the cancellation of the Political Prose column.”

[RWC] Who sent out the talking points memo that claims “the cancellation of the Political Prose column” was about political correctness?  This is at least the second letter to make this assertion.

As for “reporting,” the Prose column was an opinion column, not “news.”  A review of Mr. Prose’s body of work shows his stock-in-trade consists of anonymous (imaginary?) sources, name-calling, and personal attacks.

“My fear is that instead of the hard hitting, in-your-face coverage we have become accustomed to, we will get little more than paraphrasing the spin of press releases.

“Hopefully, Mr. Prose will continue his career with a less timid employer.”

[RWC] I covered my thoughts on this topic in my critiques of “It was a good run, but this column’s over” and “New look to editorial page.”

The “Political Prose” column was about “hard hitting, in-your-face coverage?”  Seriously?  As I noted above, the Prose column was about opinion, not actual news reporting.

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