Michael McCollim – 8/9/12


This page was last updated on August 9, 2012.

Sad, but not surprising; Michael McCollim; Beaver County Times; August 9, 2012.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The people interviewed for The Times’ story on Chick-fil-A Day make me really sad, yet did not surprise me at all.

“Scott Brooks said, ‘You can be for anything else but what’s normal in this country.’  Who exactly is Mr [sic] Brooks to decide what is ‘normal?’  DeeDee Raines said, ‘We support the Biblical family.’  I presume she didn’t mean Biblical marriages like Jacob’s or Esau’s or Solomon’s, which featured multiple wives and numerous concubines.

“This has not been about one man’s opinion.  It’s about him giving millions of dollars of his company’s profits to hate groups.  When you give your money to a company that gives its money to political causes, you are directly supporting those causes.”

[RWC] I suspect a “hate group” is any group with whom Mr. McCollim disagrees.

Note Mr. McCollim ducked what caused “Chick-fil-A appreciation day.”  According to the BCT story, “In an interview with a Baptist journal, [Chick-fil-A President Dan] Cathy said the quick-service food chain supported the ‘biblical definition of the family unit.’”  In another statement, Mr. Cathy said, “While my family and I believe in the Biblical definition of marriage, we love and respect anyone who disagrees.”  How hateful!  Here’s what the BCT story failed to mention.  In response to Mr. Cathy’s comment, a few leftist mayors and city councils said they would move to ban Chick-fil-A from their cities.  So much for freedom of religion and freedom of speech.  That’s what spurred “Chick-fil-A appreciation day.”  “But I guess if these facts weren’t [reported by the BCT], well they just can’t be true.  Sad, but not surprising.”  (See below.)

Since Mr. McCollim is concerned about dollars spent on a product going “to political causes,” I hope he doesn’t buy Progressive Insurance.  Peter Lewis accumulated his approximate net worth of $1.2 billion as CEO and Chairman of Progressive, and donates huge chunks of that wealth to a ton of leftist “hate groups.”  And then there’s George Soros at $20 billion.

“A portion of what you spent on that chicken sandwich goes to groups that not only actively undermine the civil rights of LGBT individuals in the states and all around the world, but also actively disseminate lies and propaganda calling them homosexuals pedophiles, deviants, etc.  Your sandwich price doesn’t go into a special live-and-let-live, he’s-entitled-to-his-opinion pile.  It goes towards the millions donated to these groups.”

[RWC] LGBT stands for “lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.”  I concede I’m not current with lingo on this topic, but how is it propaganda to call “lesbian[s], gay[s]” homosexuals?

You’ll note that at no point does Mr. McCollim acknowledge Chick-fil-A employs and serves people regardless of their sexual orientation.

“But I guess if these facts weren’t aired on Fox News, well they just can’t be true.  Sad, but not surprising.”

[RWC] How did FNC get dragged into this?

Here’s something else Mr. McCollim failed to mention.  Via the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, the federal government does not recognize same-sex “marriages.”  Thirty-one states also have constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriages, including left-of-the-left California.  All but two of those states passed their amendments since 2000 and, with a few exceptions, they all passed with approval votes in excess of 60%, including some in the high 70s and 80s.  Agree with him or not, not only did Mr. Cathy state his position, he stated the position of most Americans.

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