Vondell McCoy – 8/1/12


This page was last updated on August 3, 2012.

Timing of law suspect; Vondell McCoy; Beaver County Times; August 1, 2012.

Mr. McCoy wrote three previous letters I critiqued (“Lawsuit not the Christian way,” “Budget is racist,” and “Obama’s wishful thinking”) and four I did not (“Education needs overhaul,” “Santorum comment shows ignorance,” “Law enforcers turning into terrorists,” and “Leave ‘don’t ask’ up to the troops”).

You may find interesting Mr. McCoy’s post on the Black Talk Radio Network website.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Whether or not people should be verified via ID when voting is not the issue.  Of course we should all have ID.  It’s the timing and intent of the passing of these laws that is the issue.”

[RWC] Given his letter-writing body of work, I suspect Mr. Vondell would find some reason to object to “the timing and intent” regardless of when the law takes effect.

“The reason for these laws at this time is to defraud votes from people who they think might vote for Obama.  The intent makes it legalized voter fraud.  They should go by the voter laws that were already on the books, and switch to the new laws after the election.

“That way, they can alert every voter who goes in to vote that at the next election they will need an ID.  They could even make the voter ID forms available at the polls.  Its [sic] just that simple, and wouldn’t undermine or cause anyone to be turned away from the polls.  And it probably would save a few million bucks in the process.”

[RWC] If you don’t have proper ID when you show up to vote, you can still vote using a provisional ballot and then get your ID problems resolved so your ballot will be counted.

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