Mark McKinney – 10/17/04

This page was last updated on October 17, 2004.

Agenda bests judgment; Mark McKinney; Beaver County Times; October 17, 2004.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Like many Americans, I was hopeful when I voted for George W. Bush in 2000.  He felt more right for our country than Al Gore.  I believed he would surround himself with experienced men with good judgment.

“I admired his handling of Sept. 11, 2001, and I supported cleaning the Taliban and al Qaeda out of Afghanistan.”

[RWC] Forgive me if I doubt this statement.  The anti-Bush crowd wants us to believe everyone loved President Bush’s war on terrorism until Iraq.  Don’t buy it; it’s revisionist history.

“But then he fought and stonewalled the commission trying to investigate 9/11, which at first, I could not understand.”

[RWC] I suspect President Bush anticipated the 9/11 investigation would turn into a partisan witch-hunt, which it did.

“Until, with insufficient proof or justification and with the whole world, including most Americans, saying, ‘Please don’t,’ his administration invaded Iraq.

[RWC] Mr. McKinney may believe there was “insufficient proof or justification,” but Congress – including John Kerry and John Edwards -- agreed with President Bush and passed the Iraq War Resolution.

“Then I understood.

“Their agenda was stronger than their judgment.  Now, every time their justification for invading Iraq changes, I become more convinced that young Americans are dying every day for no good reason.”

[RWC] The justification has not changed.  Read the Iraq War Resolution and you’ll see the reasons listed are the reasons given today.

“They exchanged Osama bin Laden for Saddam Hussein, and while Saddam is now trapped in prison, we are trapped in Iraq.  Bush may have Saddam where he wanted him, but both Saddam and Osama have America right where they want us - enraging the entire Arab and Muslim world and alienating the vast majority of the rest of the planet.

“So much for good judgment.”

[RWC] I didn’t know we stopped tracking bin Laden.  I’m sure the 20,000 troops in Afghanistan would be surprised to hear that.

“While I believe Iraq was his worst mistake, from a truly conservative perspective, it wasn’t the only one.  There is nothing conservative about fiscal, environmental and energy policies that reward corporations and the wealthy at the expense of our children’s future.

“But this is what we got.  I believe in compassionate conservatism.  And I believe America should be the leader of the free world.”

[RWC] Mr. McKinney wants us to believe he’s a conservative so his criticism will appear to have more “weight.”  He is not.  It’s clear from his language he is at best a Rockefeller Republican, but I believe it is more likely Mr. McKinney is a full-blown liberal masquerading as a conservative.

“But I am tired and ashamed of the lies and distortions, both in governing and campaigning.  These are not conservative values.  I must now be hopeful that a new president and a new direction can restore my faith in our government and America’s standing in the world.”

[RWC] What lies and distortions?  I don’t take anyone seriously who makes sweeping accusations without providing specific examples and proof.

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