Jerry Miskulin – 4/24/05

This page was last updated on May 1, 2005.

Democrats will be vindicated; Jerry Miskulin; Beaver County Times; April 24, 2005.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“President Bush’s election for a second term didn’t hinge upon moral values or the situation in Iraq.”

[RWC] Translation: President Bush didn’t win; Democrats lost.  This is the excuse of losers who don’t understand why the other guy won.

“What brought about his re-election was the fact that everybody knew U.S. Sen. John Kerry was going to raise taxes.  With credit-card debt at an all-time high and gasoline prices going through the roof, people voted the way they did because it was the only way they could’ve voted.  They had no choice.”

[RWC] This is a variation on the “voters are stupid” theme.  In this case, voters were too greedy.

In Mr. Miskulin’s mind, President Bush’s victory had nothing to do with the fact that Democrats in general – and Mr. Kerry specifically – had little credibility with respect to national security.

“There’s nothing wrong with the Democratic Party.  Just because they’re for doing the right thing might mean their only consolation in the future will be to say, ‘I told you so.’”

[RWC] Once again, voters aren’t smart enough to understand the Democrat platform (socialism) is the way to go.

Did you notice Mr. Miskulin didn’t describe what “the right thing” is?  The fact is, the Democrat Party stands for liberalism/progressivism/socialism – or whatever they want to call it today – and socialism has never succeeded.  It brought down the Soviet Union and its satellites and is a prime reason Europe’s economy constantly lags the U.S.

“Much as children marvel at their parents’ intelligence when they hit their 30s, so will Americans rue all the opportunities that they’ve missed.”

[RWC] I agree, but it will not be for voting against socialism.

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