Jerry Miskulin – 2/20/06

This page was last updated on February 22, 2006.

Lots to cheer about; Jerry Miskulin; Beaver County Times; February 20, 2006.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“This is in response to John Zobrak’s ‘Nothing to cheer about’ letter to the editor on Tuesday.

“He complained how the Democrats at the State of the Union Address cheered and were excited because they had shot down President Bush’s Social Security reform.

“To me, Bush is a snake oil salesman promising cures when in reality his legislation is just to benefit his own class.  People aren’t against Social Security reform; they’re just against Bush doing the reforming.”

[RWC] Wow!  It took Mr. Miskulin three paragraphs before he got into name-calling.

Mr. Miskulin seems to forget Democrats proposed most of the Socialist Security fixes proposed by President Bush when Bill Clinton was in office.

I believe Mr. Miskulin is correct when he writes, “they’re just against Bush doing the reforming.”  President Bush could have included every other Democrat proposal as well and Democrats still would have opposed it.  The Medicare prescription drug plan was another example, though Democrats couldn’t stop it.

“Remember the weapons of mass destruction supposedly in Iraq?”

[RWC] You mean the same WMD as claimed by the Clinton administration and Congressional Democrats as recently as 2003?

“Zobrak wrote that Social Security is taking from one wallet and giving to another.  To me, it’s called helping your brother, which I believe is what Christ was all about.  The brotherhood of man I think it is.”

[RWC] I’m not a theologian, but I don’t believe “Christ was all about” government confiscating the hard-earned income of one person and giving it to someone who didn’t.  In any case, it would be wrong to base government policy on religious doctrine.

“Finally, Zobrak called Democrats ‘socialistic.’  What more socialistic than the budget deficit or mailing people money?”

[RWC] I hate to spoil Mr. Miskulin’s rant, but poor fiscal management is not the same as socialism.

What does he mean by “mailing people money?”

“It’s not that Social Security is running out but that the budget deficit threatens our whole way of life.”

[RWC] Does Mr. Miskulin claim Socialist Security is not in trouble?

Does anyone want to bet Mr. Miskulin didn’t care about the budget deficit when Democrats controlled the White House and/or Congress?

“Zobrak says remember when you go to vote in November.  Well, I wish I could block out the Reagan, elder Bush, and G. W. years.  They’ve haunted me for years.”

[RWC] I guess it doesn’t take much to haunt Mr. Miskulin.

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