Emily Moran – 1/18/07

This page was last updated on January 18, 2007.

Smoking ban is for good of all; Emily Moran; Beaver County Times; January 18, 2007.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I pay for my own car.  I pay for the gas.  I pay taxes to have the roads.  So I should be able to drive 70 mph on a flat stretch with no cars in sight.  Right?  Why can’t I?

“Because the law says that it’s not safe for myself and potentially harmful to others.  The law is for the good of all.  And so is the nonsmoking law.”

[RWC] It’s clear logical thinking is not a common trait.  Comparing driving as fast as you want to on public roads to a property owner who allows smoking on his private property is worse than comparing apples and oranges.

Unless I choose not to use our roads, I have no way to avoid reckless drivers.  When it comes to smoking, I can easily choose not to patronize businesses that permit smoking.

“To smoke in public places is harmful to myself.  It is potentially harmful to all the others in that place.  Breathing smoke is not good for anyone, but think of those who have respiratory problems, asthma.  Think of children and babies breathing the air, the elderly, and the employees who have to work in it 8 hours every day.”

[RWC] Businesses are not “public places;” they are private property.  You are on the owner’s property at his discretion.

Here’s the emotional plea.  Do it for “children and babies breathing the air, the elderly, and the employees.”  Nowhere in this letter does Ms. Moran mention the rights of the property owner.

“It is not my right to pollute their air just as it is not my right to drive too fast, play loud music at 2 in the morning, let my pets run loose in the neighborhood, or throw litter out the car window.”

[RWC] Once again Ms. Moran uses completely irrelevant comparisons.

“It is not [Ms. Moran’s] right to pollute their air,” but apparently it is her right to tell a private property owner he may not allow smoking on his property.

“Laws are for the common good, which includes our right to have such things as a clean and safe environment.”

[RWC] Save us from people who want to save individuals from themselves.

Using Ms. Moran’s logic, may we assume she would support alcohol prohibition, prohibition of trans fats for cooking, laws requiring people to wear sunglasses so they can’t be blinded by the Sun and cause accidents, et cetera?

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