James Nagy – 11/6/05

This page was last updated on November 6, 2005.

GOP can reform its way back; James Nagy; Beaver County Times; November 6, 2005.

This is at least the fourth letter from Mr. Nagy this year that claims Republican dishonesty and/or the mainstream media goes easy on Republicans.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The criminality of a few of the current agents of the Republican Party in Washington, D.C. is much worse than usual.”

[RWC] As you read on, you’ll note that nowhere does Mr. Nagy describe the “criminality.”

“I suppose one could shun them all and vote only for the Democratic-Party’s candidates but that might create a new set of problems.

“How can the Republican Party win back grassroots support?”

[RWC] Though not in an overwhelming fashion, haven’t Republicans been gaining elected positions throughout most of the U.S.?

“Why doesn’t it admit to the temptations that corrupting influences generate and fix them?

“Some of the blame belongs to the media.  We know that corporate media has been complacent in not reporting all the relevant news.  At times the news wasn’t news at all but instead propaganda.”

[RWC] By “corporate media” I assume Mr. Nagy means mainstream media.  As he did in previous letters, it appears Mr. Nagy is claiming the mainstream media goes easy on Republicans.  I’d like to see his evidence supporting such a position.

“Thus, the nearness to disaster may have been obscured from some of our representatives.

“By regrouping and reestablishing their credibility, these Republicans could accomplish, with their impressive majorities, that which has until now has been impossible.”

[RWC] “Impressive majorities?”  At least in Congress, Republicans don’t hold “impressive majorities,” and that ignores the RINOs who do their best to work against conservative principles.

“As opening a dry pomegranate reveals the juicy fruit within, this experience of selfishness may be transformed into an experience of selflessness.

“What we need most of all are campaign reform (limits on donations and spending), media reform, lobbying reform and election reform.  While we’re at it, we should ask for the right to instant run-off voting and proportional representation.”

[RWC] Gee, what a surprise.  Mr. Nagy supports limiting freedom of speech (campaign and media “reform”).

Unfortunately, Mr. Nagy doesn’t tell us what he means by reform in the areas he cited.

Regarding proportional representation, I wonder if Mr. Nagy was a supporter when Democrats held most elected offices?

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