Kevin Narry – 10/31/04

This page was last updated on November 1, 2004.

Bush is no president; Kevin Narry; Beaver County Times; October 31, 2004.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“In response to Beth Muskovich’s Tuesday [10/26/04] letter to the editor ‘Kerry is no hunter’: It’s OK.  She is embarrassed by John Kerry acting like a real hunter.”

[RWC] The real embarrassment is that John Kerry believes the Second Amendment is about hunting.

“What isn’t OK is the embarrassment Bush has caused this great country in his futile attempt at ‘acting like a president’ the last 3-plus years.”

[RWC] What embarrassment?  Mr. Narry, provide specifics and back them up.  No one can take you seriously otherwise.

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