Angie O’Dell – 10/26/06

This page was last updated on October 26, 2006.

Had enough?; Angie O’Dell; Beaver County Times; October 26, 2006.

In her previous letters, Ms. O’Dell accused the Bush administration of “leaking” classified information to discredit Joe Wilson and told us the recent drop of energy prices was the result of a conspiracy.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Has any other administration and their counterparts in Congress, in history, given us so much and touched so many of our lives in just six short years?  The list is endless:

“Lies about WMDs and thousands of U.S. and Iraqi deaths; Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo; multi-million dollar no-bid Halliburton contracts; denial of global warming and of science in general; loss of respect in the world arena; tax breaks for the wealthy, depletion of Social Security funds, high energy costs, loss of thousands of high-paying jobs and thousands added to the poverty roll; broken borders, illegal immigrants and selling of our ports and resources to foreign countries; the Terry Schiavo fiasco and Katrina: the outing of a CIA agent and the Abramoff lobbyist scandal; failure to enact the 911 Commission recommendations; declaration from 16 U.S. intelligence agencies that the Iraq war has increased terrorism; loss of habeas corpus, and, last but not least, the Mark Foley coverup debacle.”

[RWC] I believe Ms. O’Dell forgot cancer, sunspots, the fact the Earth wobbles on its axis, et cetera.

“So when you enter the voting booth and fill out that ballot, pull that lever or touch that screen, ask yourself one question: Has our nation had enough yet?”

[RWC] Ms. O’Dell is getting lazy.  While her letters always reflect Democrat/liberal talking points, this letter is simply a list of those talking points.  Ms. O’Dell doesn’t even exert the effort to put them in sentence form.  As a result, I’m not going to waste my time doing a talking point-by-talking point dissection of Ms. O’Dell’s letter.  I’ve addressed these talking points in previous critiques anyway.  All I’ll write is, given the content of her letter, the author has nerve accusing anyone of “lies.”

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