Alecia Ott – 7/16/08

This page was last updated on July 19, 2008.

Our politicians cannot save us; Alecia Ott; Beaver County Times; July 16, 2008.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“All I ever seem to read in the letters to the editor are statements about how we need to be proud of our country, defend the United States against terrorists, support our administration or pray to Jesus.

“I have a few things to say about these sentiments.

“I can have no pride in a land where racism, sexism, homophobia, classism and ageism are still rampant.  I see no possible way to defend ourselves against ‘terrorists’ when our own country itself is run by those who think nothing of taking away our privacy and our rights in return for a false sense of security.”

[RWC] I’m glad I don’t live in Ms. Ott’s world.

This sounds like something Michelle Obama would write.  If you recall, Mrs. Obama told us the U.S. is “just downright mean” and as an adult she wasn’t proud of her country until her husband ran for President.

“I cannot support an administration that has no problem with unjustly occupying another country (Iraq) for an extended period of time under the guise of democracy, when in reality we are not welcome and never were to begin with.”

[RWC] An invading country is usually “not welcome.”  I’m relatively sure neither Germany nor Japan welcomed us either.  Why didn’t Ms. Ott mention Afghanistan?

“And prayer may work for some, but in reality not everyone is a Christian or even religious.

“I just wish people would wake up, realize that our politicians cannot save us (not even Barack Obama, even though he is pro-choice) and understand that not all we read/hear/see is true.”

[RWC] Note Ms. Ott considers support for abortion for convenience to be a positive thing.

Though I know nothing about Ms. Ott beyond this letter, based on its content I’d be willing to bet she is some category of leftist.  As a result, the letter can’t be taken seriously.  Why?  Ms. Ott complains about “racism, sexism, homophobia, classism and ageism” yet it is leftists who have a genetic predisposition to divide people into “victim groups.”  Further, the whole idea that politicians (government) can save us is central to leftist theology.

“And editorials such as Thursday’s ‘Get this’ about the United States profiting in Iran should be on the front page in bold font for everyone to read.”

[RWC] Above Ms. Ott wrote we must “understand that not all we read/hear/see is true,” yet she apparently bought “Get this” hook, line, and sinker.

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