James Palmer – 11/14/05

This page was last updated on November 14, 2005.

Celebrate our achievements; James Palmer; Beaver County Times; November 14, 2005.  Mr. Palmer identified himself as president of the Beaver County Corporation for Economic Development.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I am responding to the Nov. 2 letter to the editor ‘Vote to shake things up.’”

[RWC] In summary, the above letter warned, “The political buying of votes has begun.”  As you will read, this letter by Mr. Palmer proves the premise of the November 2nd letter.

“Over the last 10 years, the Beaver County Riverfront Development Program has changed the face of the riverfronts along the Beaver and Ohio rivers.  The program has been a model of inter-municipal cooperation, as well as partnership between state and county governments.

“The commonwealth of Pennsylvania recognized the program as an Excellence in Local Government Award winner in 1998.  More than $4 million of state, county and private funds have been invested to date to capitalize on one of Beaver County’s most distinct and valuable assets.”

[RWC] I wonder why there’s no breakdown of the “state, county and private funds.”  I’d like to know how much of this came out of taxpayer pockets.  You won’t find this in the BCED annual report either.

“The $1.8 million announced by state Rep. Michael Veon and the state legislators who will be available for the program is part of an ongoing commitment to this important effort, and will add significant momentum to the work that remains to be done.

“It’s unfortunate that some cannot celebrate the achievements of our community.  If we cannot celebrate our achievements, how do we expect others to see us?”

[RWC] It’s useful to remember BCED’s purpose is to provide “corporate welfare” using the paychecks and retirement checks of hard working taxpayers.  This letter is an example of a group whose existence relies on government handouts shilling for state Rep. Mike Veon (D-14).  This should not be a surprise.  BCED even shilled for Mr. Veon in its 2005 Annual Report by referring to one of Mr. Veon’s PR and WAM (walking around money) front groups (B.I.G.) as a “grassroots economic development group.”  As the BCED, BIG relies on taxpayer dollars.  According to the commonwealth DCED, BIG has received over $3.5 million via “grants” since 1/1/2002.  According to the report, how many jobs do you think our $3.5 million generated?  Zero, zip, none.

Did you notice what’s missing from the letter?  Mr. Palmer never tells us the audited economic benefit in dollars of what we “achieved.”

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