Jean Peretich – 4/6/08

This page was last updated on April 6, 2008.

Enough already; Jean Peretich; Beaver County Times; April 6, 2008.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I am a Democratic voter, and I think either candidate would make a good president.

“It is the Democrat hierarchy I strongly resent.  It seems to me they are sitting on their throne somewhere dictating whose votes will count and whose votes will not count and saying it’s their way or no way.

“Haven’t we had enough of this the last eight years?  Now, they are planning to have selected delegates, who are not obligated to reflect the popular vote of their states, decide the candidate to run for president.”

[RWC] Perhaps Ms. Peretich should ask herself why her party has appointed super delegates that can overturn the will of Democrat voters but the Republican Party has no such mechanism.  The bottom line is, leftists don’t trust elections.

“In my view, they are saying my vote does not count.  Yet they are soliciting money from people whose votes don’t count.”

[RWC] If Ms. Peretich is surprised by any of this, she wasn’t paying attention during the 2000 Florida ballot mess.  The whole Democrat strategy was to jiggle the rules while the votes were being counted.

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