Sharon Pillar – 1/7/07

This page was last updated on January 8, 2007.

Act now on global warming; Sharon Pillar; Beaver County Times; January 7, 2007.

An editor’s note asserts, “The writer is global warming outreach coordinator for Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future in Pittsburgh.”  Though the letter said “Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future,” this special interest group appears to primarily go by the name PennFuture.  Also, the group’s headquarters is in Harrisburg, not Pittsburgh as implied in the editor’s note.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Letter writer Robin Cox is correct when he states that the Earth has always gone through cooling and warming cycles (“Don’t buy warming scam,” Dec. 29).

“But that’s only a small piece of the complete scientific story.  Those warming and cooling periods were preceded by rising and decreasing levels of carbon dioxide.  Scientists have accepted for nearly a century the synchronized dance between temperature and carbon dioxide, and have the ability to track it over the past 650,000 years.

“In each case, as carbon dioxide went up or down, temperature followed closely behind.”

[RWC] Unless I missed something, isn’t Ms. Pillar agreeing atmospheric CO2 has increased and decreased for thousands of millennia before the industrial age and the widespread use of fossil fuels?

“The missing (and critical) pieces of the story today are that huge amounts of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere when we burn fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and gasoline; and current carbon dioxide levels are greater than at any other time in the past 650,000 years, and keep rising.

“Temperature is going up.  Humans are causing an enormous and unprecedented plot twist.

“If we don’t cut the sources of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases, temperatures will skyrocket accordingly.”

[RWC] As previous letter writers, Ms. Pillar fails to cite the specific sources for her assertions.

You’ll note Ms. Pillar never mentions the potential role of solar activity on global warming, which is odd given the Sun is the source of all energy on Earth.  It really isn’t odd when you realize data shows solar activity has been increasing for decades.  You see, folks invested in manmade global warming can’t afford to admit there are other explanations for global warming, especially when man can have no possible effect on them.  Since man can’t affect solar activity (though I’m sure some folks will blame President Bush <g>), it must be dismissed as a primary contributor to global warming even if the data were indisputable.  Don’t worry, folks.  Solar activity normally goes through “high and low” periods, just as global temperatures.  Funny how that works out, isn’t it?

When Ms. Pillar asserts, “temperatures will skyrocket,” she illustrates the point I made in my letter about manmade global warming proponents “using emotion and hysteria.”  According to a 2005 National Geographic article, projections indicated “a rise in average global temperature of 0.5°C (slightly less than 1°F) by the year 2030.”  Yes folks, a skyrocketing rise of less than 1°F in 25 years!  Remember, that “skyrocketing” rise is the total temperature increase.  If it exists, the human contribution would be less unless you assume man is responsible for all warming.

“The time is now to act on global warming.  Non-fossil fuel energy sources will mean a cleaner environment and greater national security.  Corporations, energy producers, and insurance companies are embracing global warming mitigation.  They accept the science, and know that dealing with global warming will create an economic boon by reducing energy expenses and creating new manufacturing and job sectors.”

[RWC] “Corporations, energy producers, and insurance companies are embracing global warming mitigation?”  What does this mean?

Hmm, if the “economic boon” story is true, why did the Kyoto Protocol specifically exclude Third World countries?  Wouldn’t their compliance with the reduced emissions regulation lift up their economies?

By the way, “[n]on-fossil fuel energy sources” doesn’t include nuclear power.  Check out the PennFuture website and all you see mentioned are so-called renewable energy sources, like windmills, solar panels, et cetera.

“That’s a happy ending we should all work toward.”

[RWC] As a reminder, I don’t dismiss the potential of manmade global warming.  The point of my critiques is to show the believers in manmade global warming simply aren’t proving their case.  When you can prove your case, you can cite specific peer-reviewed research, you don’t refer to scientists who disagree with your interpretation of data as “deniers” and “hacks,” and you don’t rely on emotion and hysteria.

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