Dan Reeping – 11/7/04

This page was last updated on November 7, 2004.

Democrats lack moral values; Dan Reeping; Beaver County Times; November 7, 2004.

I have to disagree with Mr. Reeping’s letter.  “What?” you say.  Robin Cox disagrees with a letter that bashes Democrats?

Don’t get me wrong; I believe much of what Mr. Reeping wrote was correct.  What I disagree with is painting all Democrats with the same brush.

I believe Mr. Reeping paints a fair picture of Democrat Party leadership and its socialist wing, but I believe many rank-and-file Democrats don’t fall into the same category.  Many of my friends are Democrats and I know they don’t have these beliefs.  I would be even more convinced if rank-and-file Democrats voted the same way they live their lives.

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