George Reese – 11/1/04

This page was last updated on November 1, 2004.

Blame Bush for casualties; George Reese; Beaver County Times; November 1, 2004.

This is the second anti-Bush letter from Mr. Reese since September 5, 2004.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I wish to respond to the concern of Joe Kaldon Jr. in a Tuesday letter to the editor that took The Times to task for printing the casualty list in the war in Iraq.

“Mr. Kaldon must realize that there wouldn’t be a casualty list, which he claims is political, if our president and his cronies had not miscalculated about going to war in Iraq.”

[RWC] Mr. Kaldon didn’t claim publishing the list was political, only the manner.  Mr. Reese needs to read more closely.

You’ll note Mr. Reese didn’t describe the miscalculations.  Also, we must assume John Kerry and John Edwards count as “cronies” since they both voted for the Iraq War Resolution.

“Mr. Kaldon must realize that unnecessary wars kill, maim and wound our military personnel just as necessary wars do.”

[RWC] You’ll note Mr. Reese didn’t tell us the difference between “necessary” and “unnecessary” wars.  I’d like for Mr. Reese to tell us why each American war was either necessary or unnecessary.  FYI, former president Jimmy Carter recently claimed the Revolutionary War was unnecessary.

“Mr. Kaldon must realize that our president started the war in Iraq and has probably created most of the current terrorists that we face today and probably will face for decades to come.”

[RWC] Yeah right, Mr. Reese, Iraq was peaceful nation minding its own business.  “Our president … has probably created most of the current terrorists that we face today and probably will face for decades to come?  Has Mr. Reese been paying attention?  You are not a peaceful person for your entire life and then one day decide to become a terrorist.

For the sake of argument, let’s assume Mr. Reese is correct.  What did we do to generate the terrorists who attacked us for the 20+ years before we attacked Iraq?  How would Mr. Reese propose we eliminate terrorists?

“It’s the obligation of the free press to print these numbers.”

[RWC] I support the presentation of casualty reports in context, but isn’t it a conflict to claim a free press is obligated to print anything?  If you are obligated to do something, you are not free.

“It’s too bad that the public has little concern about the dead and wounded as printed in The Times.  Americans should be screaming about the casualties (more than 1,100 dead and more than 8,000 wounded) instead of smiling and cheering every time the president mentions that he will fight the terrorists.”

[RWC] Where does Mr. Reese get off claiming “the public has little concern about the dead and wounded?”  How hateful.

“Our president and his fear-mongering concerning the terrorists in order to get re-elected are intolerable.  The dead and wounded in this war are an abomination and sacrilegious.”

[RWC] This puts Mr. Reese in the camp that believes terrorism isn’t a real threat.  That belief puts him in the company of John Kerry and Michael Moore.

What did the dead and wounded do to deserve being called “an abomination and sacrilegious?”

“Therefore, I hope that The Times will continue to print the casualty list, and that those of us who really care will read that list and pray for the parents, wives, husbands and children who grieve for their dead and wounded.”

[RWC] How arrogant!  Apparently Mr. Reese believes the only people who care about our servicemen and servicewomen are those who believe as he believes.  Would someone who really cares about the people on the casualty list refer to these same people as “an abomination and sacrilegious?”

© 2004 Robert W. Cox, all rights reserved.