Art Refice – 4/21/08

This page was last updated on April 21, 2008.

Good riddance; Art Refice; Beaver County Times; April 21, 2008.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Homes lost: Cost, millions.”

[RWC] Perhaps Mr. Refice can tell us what President Bush, or Congress for that matter, had to do with people buying houses they couldn’t afford.

“Gasoline: Cost, approaching $4 a gallon.”

[RWC] The price of gasoline is “approaching $4 a gallon,” but not the cost.  What exactly did President Bush do (or not do) to cause the rise?

“No-bid contracts in Iraq: Cost, billions.”

[RWC] A blast from the past.  Mr. Refice was complaining back in 2004.

“Unnecessary war: Cost, more than 4,000 lives.”

[RWC] Mr. Refice knows what would have happened had we not attacked Iraq?  It’s too bad Mr. Refice didn’t share his crystal ball with President Bush.

“Record-breaking mid-year federal deficit: Cost, more than $311 billion.”

[RWC] Perhaps Mr. Refice missed it, but spending bills start in the House, and Democrats have controlled both houses of Congress since January 2007.  Other than funding for our troops, perhaps Mr. Refice can list all the spending cuts Congress proposed that President Bush vetoed.

“Getting rid of Bush: Priceless.”

[RWC] How original!  I bet Mr. Refice could sell this idea to a credit card company for an ad campaign.

I missed the part where Mr. Refice tells us who he wants to be president and why.

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