Art Refice – 11/20/08

This page was last updated on November 20, 2008.

Too many hurdles faced by McCain; Art Refice; Beaver County Times; November 20, 2008.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Even though John McCain did distance himself from President Bush, the odds of him beating Barack Obama were very slim.”

[RWC] Though Mr. Refice wrote at least eight letters since 2004 bashing President Bush, VP Cheney, and/or Republicans in general, Mr. Refice never told us whom he wanted to take Mr. Bush’s place.  Mr. Refice still hasn’t told us, but I can guess.

“The economy being in a downhill spiral, Bush’s unpopular war and the loss of 240,000 jobs in October made his quest to overcome Obama hard.”

[RWC] President “Bush’s unpopular war?”  It’s OUR war, and is any war not unpopular?

“He fought a gallant battle to the very end and even seemed to be gaining, according to the latest polls.  The final nail was driven into the coffin late in the campaign when Vice President Cheney announced his support for McCain.”

[RWC] I love it when lefties provide analysis when Republicans lose.  As for Mr. Refice’s contention “The final nail was driven into the coffin late in the campaign when Vice President Cheney announced his support for McCain,” I hope Mr. Refice goes on thinking this.  First, I doubt the vast majority of voters were even aware of the endorsement.  I keep pretty current on this stuff and I didn’t know about the endorsement until a week after the election.  Second, the only people who could possibly be swayed by such an endorsement were never going to vote for any Republican anyway.

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