Steve Rodich – 10/23/06

This page was last updated on October 23, 2006.

Your vote counts; Steve Rodich; Beaver County Times; October 23, 2006.

This is at least the eighth anti-Santorum letter by Mr. Rodich since September 2004, and the fourth since July.  The previous letters were entitled “Voting records tell all,” “Santorum flip flops,” “It’s Santorum’s turn to lose,” “‘Nuclear’ option and Santorum”, “Race already heating up”, “Who is Santorum fighting?”, and “Santorum’s hypocrisy shows.”  It would have been eight in a row except Mr. Rodich took a timeout and attempted to bash Lynn Swann in “Swann lacks experience.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Our vote is the final way to express our feelings as to how our elected officials have conducted themselves during their terms of office.

“U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum and U.S. Rep. Melissa Hart do not deserve to be re-elected.  There are those who do not share my opinion, and I respect that.  The point is to express your opinion on Election Day.”

[RWC] I could be wrong, but I find it hard to believe a person who resorts to name-calling and “misleading” assertions respects those who do not share his opinion.

“If you cannot go to the polls, you should call your county election bureau and request an absentee ballot.  They will mail you a form followed by an absentee ballot.  It is that simple.  There is no excuse not to exercise your right and privilege to vote.

“I do not believe any state representative who supported and voted for the unconstitutional pay raise and, more importantly, refused to return the illegal unvouchered pay increase is deserving of my vote.

“Elected officials should set an example and a higher standard in the manner in which they conduct themselves.  State lawmakers, Democrats and Republicans, demonstrated a callous disregard for the electorate in the manner of which they attempted the pay increase grab.

“They and the Supreme Court, which was complicit, should be held accountable.”

[RWC] This is the fourth anti-Santorum letter from Mr. Rodich since his election letter writing run began in July.

To date, Mr. Rodich hasn’t provided one reason why we should vote for Bob Casey.  As I’ve written before, if all you can do is bash your opponent, that’s not a good sign for Mr. Casey.

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