Jonas M. Rushman - 5/28/04

This page was last updated on June 1, 2004.


What 'liberal media'?; Jonas M. Rushman; Beaver County Times; May 28, 2004.

Methinks Mr. Rushman doth complain too much.  Perhaps he should read Media Bias on this web site.

Below is a detailed critique of Mr. Rushman’s letter.

“I am really getting sick and tired of hearing about the alleged transgressions of the so-called ‘liberal media.’

“Wake up!  There is no such thing as a ‘liberal media.’  The only place the ‘liberal media’ exists is in the minds of the right-wing spin machine and those mindless enough to unquestioningly believe their spew.”

[RWC] No liberal media bias?  Even many in the liberal media admit there is a liberal bias.1,2  See Media Bias.

“The ‘liberal media’ specter is raised anytime someone questions our government.  The last time I checked, a free press was not ‘our enemy.’

[RWC] A free press is not our enemy, but an irresponsible press can be.  What is it when a newspaper publishes articles that give hope to our enemies?

“It is sickening to see how many people get their ‘news’ exclusively from such right-wing spews as ‘The Drudge Report,’ Rush Limbaugh, Jim Quinn, ‘Faux’ News, et al.”

[RWC] For the most part, the Drudge Report merely posts links to stories from all sources, conservative and liberal.  While Fox News Channel leans right, it presents far more balance than any of its competitors.  If you get your news solely from Rush Limbaugh, Jim Quinn, Al Franken, Janeane Garofalo, or any opinion-centric show, you are nuts.  These are opinion shows, not news shows.  Even when it comes to so-called news outlets, you need a diverse diet.  If you follow news outlets that all lean in the same direction, you are not getting a complete picture.

“There is no voice for the left, but anytime a Republican gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, it’s the result of a smear by the ‘liberal media.’”

[RWC] No voice for the left?  See Media Bias.

“If you remember, it was the ‘liberal media’ that shouted ‘Scandal!’ at every hint of a misdeed by President Clinton, even though 99 percent of them turned out to be unfounded.  Of course, they didn’t shout ‘Retraction!’ when those allegations proved to be untrue.”

[RWC] The mainstream media generally soft-pedaled stories unfavorable to Bill Clinton.  It is testimony to the credibility of the accusations that the mainstream media covered these stories at all.  Perhaps Mr. Rushman can tell us which allegations were untrue.

“It is the same ‘liberal media’ that quietly cover up everything that President Bush has done that outdoes anything Clinton did.”

[RWC] What bad things have the press covered up about President Bush?  If the liberal media is doing such a good cover-up, how does Mr. Rushman know about the bad things President Bush allegedly did?

“Could you imagine the screaming that would have occurred if Clinton had given his old law firm a $7 billion no-bid government contract?  Or went into rehab for drug/alcohol abuse?  Or deserted his military position as soon as they started testing for drugs?”

[RWC] Mr. Rushman is fact-challenged.  President Bush did not give any of his former business associates a no-bid contract.  If Mr. Rushman is referring to VP Dick Cheney, he should check his facts.

Though President Bush admits he used too much alcohol before he was 40 and was even cited for DUI as late as 1976, I could find no reports that he ever was in rehab.  Likewise I could find no substantiated claims of drug abuse.

I cannot believe Mr. Rushman still clings to the “Bush was a deserter” lie.  Even the Bush-bashing New York Times has for years stated there is no foundation for this claim.  At the same time, it is on the public record in Clinton’s own words that he evaded military service by manipulating the ROTC.3  The press did not seem interested, however.

“In the America in which I grew up, outlets that reported the facts, such as the casualty totals of the current war, were not ‘our enemy.’  I suggest those who call the ‘liberal media’ ‘our enemy’ move to somewhere that has a gag on the free press, such as Russia or China.”

[RWC] Having a conservative or liberal bias does not make a media outlet our enemy.  Irresponsible media outlets are our enemy, however, regardless of their ideological leanings.

There is nothing wrong with reporting casualty and fatality statistics in fair context.  We owe that respect to our armed forces and their families and friends.  Reporting these statistics out of fair context is not reporting, it is an attempt to sway public opinion.

1. The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.  In the section entitled “’Liberal’ Media Image Persists,” poll results show 51% of Americans believe there is a liberal bias in the press vs. 26% who believe the press is conservative.  Even a plurality of Democrats (41%) believes the press is liberal.  Only 33% of Democrats believe the press is conservative.

2. Bottom-Line Pressures Now Hurting Coverage, Say Journalists; The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press; May 23, 2004.

3. Clinton Letter to Colonel Holmes; Bill Clinton; December 3, 1969.

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