Alfonso Saahir – 11/29/09

This page was last updated on December 5, 2009.

Christian radicals have gone too far; Alfonso Saahir; Beaver County Times; November 29, 2009.

In two previous letters [“Look to the Constitution,” 2/27/05; “Muslims are obligated to pray,” 12/1/06 (I didn’t critique them.)] I know of from Mr. Saahir, he appeared to believe American Muslims weren’t being treated fairly.  I would have included links to the letters, but the Times recently changed its website and material published before late-August 2009 is no longer available.

In the first letter, Mr. Saahir asked, “Is there any case history where American Muslims have committed any ‘terrorist’ attacks against the U.S. government?”  Bad question, Mr. Saahir.  In the days before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Army Sgt. Hasan Akbar murdered two officers at Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait and wounded 14 other soldiers, the result of his gunfire and throwing hand grenades into a tent where the soldiers were sleeping.  In his diary before the murders, Mr. Akbar wrote, “I may not have killed any Muslims, but being in the Army is the same thing.  I may have to make a choice very soon on who to kill.”  Mr. Akbar was found guilty and sentenced to death.  It happened again on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, TX.  We also need to remember Islamist attacks thwarted over the last several years, like the planned attack on Fort Dix, NJ, in 2007 by the “Fort Dix Six.”

In his most recent previous letter, Mr. Saahir appeared to lobby for a government-run healthcare monopoly.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Secret Service reports say threat levels to President Barack Obama have reached an alarming 400 percent.

“We know that every president has been dehumanized in some way and also has had many death threats.  It comes with the office.  But a 400 percent threat level?”

[RWC] Mr. Saahir didn’t write to complain when George W. Bush was our President.

“There is a lot of talk about getting our country back.  Tell me were [sic] it has gone.  We still can vote our elected officials, including the president, in or out of office.  Voting: That is what I call term limits.”

[RWC] Mr. Saahir didn’t write to complain when “let’s take our country back” was a Democrat battle cry.

“One of these threats is being infused by verses from the Bible - Psalms 109:8-9 - that are being directed toward Obama.  They read: ‘Let his days be few, and let another take his office.  Let his children be fatherless, and wife a widow.’

“Psalms 109:8-9 are being used on T-shirts, mouse pads, bags, frame tiles and teddy bears.  Are the above verses what ‘we, the people’ want to happen to our president?”

[RWC] Where does Mr. Saahir hang out or do his shopping?

“This action is unwarranted and unwanted.

“Who will be the good Christians who will take action against this diabolical thinking of these Christian radicals?”

[RWC] Who said the people making these alleged threats were Christians?  Why not Jews or Muslims?  After all, all three religions share roughly the same Old Testament.  If they are Christians, we know they aren’t Roman Catholic.  How?  In my Catholic Bible (Douay-Rheims), Psalms 109 only goes to verse seven. <g>

Funny how Mr. Saahir is “concerned” about Christians allegedly using slogans on “T-shirts, mouse pads, bags, frame tiles and teddy bears,” but ignores a Muslim who killed 13 soldiers at Fort Hood, TX.

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