Steven Nicholas Sanchez – 1/18/09

This page was last updated on January 18, 2009.

Atheists pursuing a godless agenda; Steven Nicholas Sanchez; Beaver County Times; January 18, 2009.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Atheists, sometimes backed by the ACLU, are spearheading a movement to erase God from history.

“Most recently, they attempted to remove ‘So help me God’ from the inauguration speech.

“They can’t be allowed to take away our beliefs because they don’t believe.  Despite what their beliefs may be on the existence or non-existence of a God, are people really offended by the word God?”

[RWC] Here’s where too many folks err, including atheists.  Atheists do believe.  They simply believe there are no deities.  Just as believers in a deity can’t prove their god exists, neither can atheists prove gods don’t exist.  As a result, both beliefs are faith-based.

“Do they honestly feel suppressed by believers?  Since when did people become so sensitive that they’re offended by anything that has to do with religion?

“As ridiculous as it may sound, I could just as easily sue them because I’m offended that they’re offended.  Then, an endless cycle of lawsuits could persist, and let’s just see how ridiculous we can be.

“No one has to believe in God, but should we abolish him from our lives entirely?  This nation was founded on a belief in God.  There’s no disputing that unless you want to create your own idea as to our history.”

[RWC] Though God appeared to play a major role in the lives of our Founding Fathers and God was mentioned frequently in founding documents, I believe it’s a stretch to assert “[t]his nation was founded on a belief in God.”

“If and when the day comes that they wipe out ‘In God We Trust’ from our currency, then God help us all.”

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