Lawrence E. Santry – 9/13/04

This page was last updated on September 14, 2004.

‘W’ stands for weasel or wimp; Lawrence E. Santry; Beaver County Times; September 13, 2004.

After reading this letter, I find it even more amazing that Democrat leadership calls Republicans stupid.  Don’t throw rocks when you live in a glass house.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“This man - the court-appointed so called president - has caused this great country a lot of harm and loss of respect.”

[RWC] I’m impressed by all the supporting evidence presented by Mr. Santry.  You have to love – or feel sorry for – the mindless fanatics who cling to the “court appointed president” fantasy.

“We have lost more than 1,000 young GIs because of one-man’s doing.  Not to say that he has caused more than 3,000 injured GIs.  Not to say how much money this ‘weasel’ has cost us.”

[RWC] Actually, Mr. Santry, the combined wounded figure for Afghanistan and Iraq is 7,389 as of September 13, 2004.  For someone who wants us to believe he really cares about our “injured GIs,” it’s a shame you couldn’t find the time to get the real number.

This is classic Bush bashing.  President Bush is responsible for American deaths, not the terrorists who have killed Americans for the past 30 years.

“The name says it all.  George ‘W.’ Bush.  That ‘W’ stands for weasel or wimp.  You pick it.”

[RWC] You can tell this is an intelligent letter because of the name-calling.

“We can’t check his service record because there is none.  Let’s go, veterans, and vote this weasel out.  Time has come for Greasy George to be put back on the ranch in Texas.  What a miserable four years this man has given us!”

[RWC] No service record?  Mr. Santry, you don’t know how many in the National Guard you piss off when you don’t consider serving in the Guard as service.  Of course, John Kerry doesn’t consider serving the Guard as honorable service either, or at least he didn’t earlier this year when he likened Guard service to running away to Canada.

Notice once again all the evidence Mr. Santry provides to support the “What a miserable four years this man has given us” rant.

“How about this 4-F Dick Cheney?  He didn’t want to go to the service because he had better things to do.  How does that grab you veterans?  Time for No. 2 weasel to be voted out.”

[RWC] To the best of my knowledge, Dick Cheney did not receive a 4-F deferment.  4-Fs were issued for failing to pass the draft physical exam.  Mr. Santry is probably confusing VP Cheney with Howard Dean.  Cheney received student and family deferments, as did millions of other draft age men at the time.  Mr. Santry, may we assume you voted for George H.W. Bush and Bob Dole when they ran for president against Bill Clinton?  Both men were World War II combat veterans.  If you recall, Clinton bragged that he beat the system so he could protest the Vietnam War in England.

“Democratic U.S. Sen. Zell Miller of Georgia is nothing but a modern day Benedict Arnold.”

[RWC] My guess is Mr. Santry considered Sen. Jim Jeffords (D-VT) a hero when in 2001 he switched from the Republican Party to the Democrat party.

“Let’s do America a big favor and vote these two weasels out of office.”

[RWC] Whew, I’m worried.  If we see many more of these thoughtful letters, President Bush won’t have a chance for re-election. <g>

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