Larney Santry – 6/30/05

This page was last updated on June 30, 2005.

Bush cares only for himself; Larney Santry; Beaver County Times; June 30, 2005.

In summary, this is a rant devoid of facts.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The time has come for President Bush to step aside after all his lies.  Bush probably has a hard time sleeping for what he has put this country through.”

[RWC] Note Mr. Santry doesn’t cite the “lies.”  I suspect that’s because he knows there were none and doesn’t want to look (even more) foolish by listing already refuted “examples.”

“One man has taken more than 1,775 young men’s and women’s lives, seen more than 15,000 wounded and cost this country billions and billions of dollars.”

[RWC] Son of a gun.  I thought it was terrorists killing U.S. servicemen and women, other soldiers of the coalition, and Iraqis.

“This creep is heartless and only cares for himself.  Now, he’s flying all over the United States and talking about Medicare and Social Security, trying to get your mind off Iraq, which he alone got us into.”

[RWC] The true sign of intelligent criticism, name-calling.

For someone “trying to get your mind off Iraq,” President Bush isn’t very good at it.  I suspect Mr. Santry penned his screed before President Bush’s national address about the Iraq War on June 28th.  Oops.

President Bush didn’t take us into Iraq alone.  Does Mr. Santry want us to forget Congress approved the Iraq War Resolution?  39% of House Democrats voted for the resolution, as did 58% of Senate Democrats.  Among those Democrats who voted for the resolution were Democrat darlings Hillary Clinton and John Kerry.

“Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield [sic] and Rice should all step down because they don’t know how to run the government for the last six years.”

[RWC] Once again Mr. Santry provides no supporting facts.

“I personally support the troops, but not Bush in any way.  Bring home the troops.”

[RWC] Any time you hear or read statements like this your BS alarm should go off.  If Mr. Santry would pay attention, he would note the troops don’t buy his sentiment.  You can’t bash the military’s mission, thereby giving aid and comfort to the enemy, and then claim “I personally support the troops.”

“Our relationship with the rest of the world is at an all-time low, only because of Bush.  He should go back to his ranch in Texas and talk to his animals.  Maybe they will understand his methods because I certainly don’t.  Go home, George.”

[RWC] Mr. Santry gives us another claim without supporting evidence.  Even if it were true, who cares?  We need to do what we believe is right regardless of what the rest of the world thinks.  We also need to remember the majority of the world lives in autocratic countries.  Even the majority of democratic countries lean strongly toward socialism.  Given those facts of life, there’s no reason to believe “the rest of the world” will love us.

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