Christina Sarson – 10/3/10


This page was last updated on October 4, 2010.

No reason to bar gays from military; Christina Sarson; Beaver County Times; October 3, 2010.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Regarding Sunday’s letter, ‘Gays shouldn’t serve in military:’

“I am a post-9/11 veteran who respectfully disagrees.

“Our armed forces will never be a joke.  We are the greatest military in the world.  Twenty-five other countries allow openly gay soldiers to serve.  We should be leading, not following, as we are now.

“I served with five soldiers and officers in the Army who I now know were gay or lesbian.

“All were exemplary soldiers and people whom I love and respect.  They were among the very best, and all were honored to serve their county.

“Yet two left the service because they could no longer live a lie.  None had a relationship with another soldier or any complaints against them.

“In fact, there were many sexual problems between male and female soldiers.

“One female soldier, while deployed, was impregnated by a married superior.  She later had a secret abortion while on leave.  He harassed her for months before she came forward with her story - one of many.

“People are people, good or bad, gay or straight.  A good soldier who lives by Army values should never be turned away.

“Those values don’t include the word ‘straight.’  The same rules of conduct should apply to either sexual orientation.”

[RWC] Before I proceed with my position, which I’ve provided in previous critiques, let me state I have neither military nor behavioral science experience or expertise.  What I write below just seems to make sense.  At the risk of being labeled ignorant and a sexist homophobe, here goes.

One of the reasons I oppose women serving in combat roles alongside men has to do with the sexual tension present in mixed groups and the potential effects on the mission even if full-blown romance doesn’t break out.  There are a couple of other reasons, but this is the one relevant to this discussion.  The fact non-pregnant sailors leave on an aircraft carrier but a number return pregnant makes it obvious sex isn’t checked at the dock.

When you have homosexuals serving with members of the same sex, how is that different from heterosexuals serving with members of the opposite sex?

Is this one of those cases where commonsense - at least to me - is wrong?  I don’t know.  As I wrote above, I have neither experience nor expertise in this area.  Until we’re certain, however, I don’t believe our armed forces should serve as a behavioral science lab for politically correct social policies.

A local parody website tried to equate opposing homosexuals serving in the military and opposing blacks serving in the military.  I found that attempt to be flawed.

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