Robert W. Schmidt – 10/25/06

This page was last updated on October 25, 2006.

Don’t be fooled by ads; Robert W. Schmidt; Beaver County Times; October 25, 2006.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“With the election just around the corner, I certainly hope that the people aren’t fooled by the garbage ads seen on the television.

“I don’t think the people are going to be fooled this time around.  They seem to have wised up.

“Why do you think the gasoline prices are down, the cost of natural gas is down, the stock market is up and they will be giving us everything under the sun - until after the elections?”

[RWC] We always hear people like Mr. Schmidt talk about conspiracies regarding energy prices, but this is the first I’ve heard anyone claim a conspiracy behind a rising stock market.

“Every election is the same old baloney.  But now you can change it.  Are you ready for new people in there?

“This country is in sad shape, and we better do something about it before it is too late.  Make your wishes known on Election Day.  It’s your country.  Do something about it.

[RWC] Note Mr. Schmidt didn’t provide examples of how “[t]his country is in sad shape.”  Low unemployment, rising real wages, and a growing economy among other things are apparently bad news to Mr. Schmidt.

“What do you want to bet that the next scandal will be the voting machines not working properly?  How will you know if your vote was counted or deleted?  Think about it.”

[RWC] I get a kick out of it when Democrats get into conspiracy theories regarding voting machines, especially in Beaver County.  Remember, Democrats control the counting (albeit with Republican observers) at the country level and Democrats control most precincts.

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