Robert W. Schmidt – 2/15/09

This page was last updated on February 16, 2009.

Don’t fault Obama for Bush’s mess; Robert W. Schmidt; Beaver County Times; February 15, 2009.

The choice of letter title by the Times is interesting.  Ms. Lockhart’s letter never mentioned President Obama and Mr. Schmidt’s letter doesn’t say Ms. Lockhart blamed Mr. Obama for anything.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“In regard to Janet Lockhart’s letter Tuesday stating that she is better off now than she was eight years ago: What planet does she live on?”

[RWC] I must live on the same planet as Ms. Lockhart.

“Does she own stock or drive an automobile?  What is the price of gasoline now compared to eight years ago?  What about all the people laid off now compared to eight years ago?  Does she think we got into the mess we’re in now within the last three or four weeks?”

[RWC] Regarding the price of gasoline, the price for regular in January 2001 was about $1.80/gallon in 2008 dollars.  The current price is about $2.00/gallon.  As recently as December/January the price was actually lower than it was in 2001.

Regarding the “three or four weeks” comment, Ms. Lockhart’s letter said, “the country enjoyed prosperity for the first six years of President Bush’s term.  It was when the Democrats regained control of the Congress that the economy tanked.”  FYI, the data supports Ms. Lockhart’s assertion for the most part.  For example, employment grew for 52 consecutive months (9/03 - 12/07) adding more than 8.3 million jobs and GDP grew in every quarter from the fourth quarter of 2001 through the third quarter of 2007.

“Former President George Bush and his cronies got us into this mess, and President Barack Obama is now trying to get us out.  Give Obama a chance.  Get on his back if he doesn’t perform.  As for Bush, forget him.  He’s a loser”

[RWC] Note Mr. Schmidt didn’t tell us how “President George Bush and his cronies got us into this mess.”  People make drive-by accusations when they know they can’t support them.

“Give Obama a chance?”  I assume Mr. Schmidt doesn’t mean the same “chance” fellow lefties gave President Bush.  Also note Ms. Lockhart never mentioned Mr. Obama in her letter or “[got] on his back.”

Finally, Mr. Schmidt couldn’t help engage in name-calling.

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