Lois Sestito – 4/13/08

This page was last updated on April 13, 2008.

Address our real problems; Lois B. Sestito; Beaver County Times; April 13, 2008.

When I last critiqued one of her letters three years ago, Ms. Sestito believed one of “our real problems” was smoking on private property.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The current election frenzy makes one realize that most of us have very little knowledge of the candidates.

“We need to prioritize what is important and to realize that the current length of the campaign, the unbelievable cost and the infighting are all counterproductive.

“No candidate will be perfect, but listen to the promises, some of which can’t possibly be kept and don’t address our real problems.  My personal feelings are the war in Iraq, the horrible economy and the loss of our world status all must be addressed first.”

[RWC] Flip-flop alert!  Here Ms. Sestito refers to her “personal feelings,” then in the next paragraph says “our own feelings … aren’t all important to the presidency.”

If Ms. Sestito believes we currently have a “horrible economy,” either she’s being intentionally deceitful or is woefully ignorant of U.S. economic history.  I wasn’t aware we lost out so-called “world status.”

“Really, people, like it or not, abortion and religion are two subjects people will never, ever agree on.  We all have our own feelings, and while they are to be respected, they aren’t all important to the presidency.”

[RWC] What does religion have to do with the election?  Regarding abortion, I suspect Ms. Sestito is telling leftists who oppose abortion to ignore that issue.

“Our nation has had more than 200 years of prosperity and respect.  Today we have neither — unless you run an oil company.”

[RWC] Again, is Ms. Sestito being deceitful or is she that ignorant of history?  As a country, we’ve never been stronger.  Regarding the respect talking point, who cares even if it were true?

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