Earl Shoup – 1/9/11


This page was last updated on January 11, 2011.

Where was Boehner in Bush years?; Earl Shoup; Beaver County Times; January 9, 2011.

This letter is of the same quality as Mr. Shoup’s previous letters.  Previous examples of Mr. Shoup’s work are here, here, here, here, and here.  In “Pitiful excuse of a president,” Mr. Shoup declared himself to be “A proud liberal Democrat.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Our great country took a big step backward Wednesday, back in time to the regressive, flawed closing days of the Bush-Cheney administration.”

[RWC] As a reminder, when lefties use the term “regressive,” they really mean non-leftist.

“Speaker John Boehner and his party-of-no cohorts took control of the House of Representatives under the guise of what they feel is best for our country.  Where were he and his conservative hypocrites and so-called prodigal sons while the Bush-Cheney administration plunged this once grand country into an almost irreversible catastrophe regarding our oppressed economy?”

[RWC] Let me get this right.  Mr. Shoup, a self-described “proud liberal Democrat,” is bashing Mr. Boehner for not governing like a conservative during the Bush administration?

“He and his party of nay-sayers and do-nothing scoundrels had six years to control spending and did nothing but make matters worse.”

[RWC] Mr. Shoup’s concern about spending appears to be new.  According to my records, none of Mr. Shoup’s letters since at least 2005 expressed any concern about excessive spending.

“For he and his fellow pontificators to blame President Barack Obama and his administration for this crisis is the height of hypocrisy.  What charlatans they are.”

[RWC] You will note Mr. Shoup didn’t tell us the policies that got us where we are.  That’s because he knows where that trail leads and Mr. Shoup doesn’t want us to go there.

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