Bruce Stewart – 9/16/08

This page was last updated on September 18, 2008.

Keep American dollars in the U.S.; Bruce Stewart; Beaver County Times; September 16, 2008.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“We have to keep American dollars in the United States.

“Have Barack Obama of John McCain talked about this or other issues?

“I work in retail, and I am amazed how many products are made in foreign countries.  NAFTA has to go, and the United States is going to have to put tariffs or taxes on products coming back to the United States from companies that used to make them here.”

[RWC] Unfortunately for Mr. Stewart, the data shows NAFTA has been a net benefit to the U.S.  As far as tariffs and their impact, I suggest folks read about the Great Depression.

“We need changes.  This country is on the verge of bankruptcy.  How much money do we owe China, and where are we going to get it from?

“Make your choice for president when you have some answers.  Who needs lipstick?  We need answers to very serious problems addressing the United States.”

[RWC] “We need answers to very serious problems.”  What does lipstick have to do with this?

“What is amazing is our elected officials are paid the same whether there is a surplus or a deficit.

“As a steelworker, we gave back a dollar an hour plus to help but to no avail.  J&L and others were gone.

“Ask elected politicians what they are going to do to keep American dollars in the United States or bring them back.  We can no longer continue to do what we are doing to our economy — if we have one.”

[RWC] If Mr. Stewart believes economic isolationism is an answer, he’s mistaken.

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