Thomas Stump – 6/10/08

This page was last updated on June 10, 2008.

Waiting for Obama’s answers; Thomas Stump; Beaver County Times; June 10, 2008.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Congratulations to Barack Obama and John McCain on winning their respective party’s nomination.

“The easy part, however, is now over.  Both of them have a long way to go to capture the country’s moderate voters and the presidency that comes with it.

“I’m a registered Republican, but it’s not a lock that I’m voting for McCain.  I am willing to listen to Obama and hear not only his plans for America but how he plans on proceeding with those plans.”

[RWC] Unless you’re a RINO, meaning you’re not guided by conservative principles, why on Earth would a Republican actually consider voting for Mr. Obama?  If after five minutes of Mr. Obama speaking you haven’t figured out he’s a leftist, and one whose policies would make JFK look like a conservative, you’re not paying attention.

“With that, all I can say to Obama is, ‘I’m waiting.’  I’m waiting to hear how he can say he wants lower gasoline prices, yet his party supported a man eight years ago who thought gas prices should be even higher than they are now.

“I’m waiting to find out how he is going to bring jobs back to the United States without it costing people even more money than it does now.

“I’m waiting to see how he will fix the health-care system without it costing me more of my paycheck.  I also want to know how long I’m going to have to wait for the care I may need.

“Lastly on health care, will I get the same great and timely care under his system that Ted Kennedy received?  Care by special doctors and cutting edge treatments?

“I’m waiting to hear how he will end the war by the end of 2009 without causing even more chaos and problems in the Middle East.  There are other things I’m waiting to hear from him about, but those would be a great start.”

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