John (Jay) Sudak – 11/2/10


This page was last updated on November 2, 2010.

Bush’s absence speaks volumes; John (Jay) Sudak; Beaver County Times; November 2, 2010.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Bill Clinton is out there campaigning for Democratic contestants.  Where is George W. Bush?  Why is he absent from the current campaign?

“I know why.  Bush left a smear on Republicans, and they are embarrassed to seek his endorsement because they are more than quite aware of his actions that left our economy in a state that rivals, if not exceeds, that which we found ourselves during Hoover’s presidency.”

[RWC] Though a nominal member of the Republican Party (He once belonged to the Progressive Party and almost ran for office as a Democrat.), Herbert Hoover was a Progressive, like Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and FDR.  Therefore, when faced with the 1929 stock market crash, Mr. Hoover reacted as a Progressive.  The big difference between Messrs. Hoover and Roosevelt was FDR did a lot more of what Mr. Hoover started.  Leftists would like us to believe the 1929 stock market crash caused the Great Depression.  In truth, the “progressive” policies of the Hoover and FDR administrations took what should have been a short-term “normal” recession and turned it into a 10+-year Great Depression.

As far as Mr. Bush is concerned, Mr. Sudak should worry about President Obama.  After all, Mr. Obama is a sitting President and a large part of many Democrat campaigns is “Don’t blame me; I didn’t vote for Mr. Obama’s policies.”  That’s a central part of Jason Altmire’s campaign.

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