Carl Taylor – 3/13/06

This page was last updated on March 13, 2006.

Veon sides with workers; Carl Taylor – President of local D-508; Beaver County Times; March 13, 2006.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“For months, workers at Darlington Brick (General Shale) have been laid off without any date for recall.  During this difficult time for members of Local D-508 of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, one man has remained a friend and advocate: State Rep. Mike Veon.

“He made certain that we had complete information as to our benefits and options for appeal, if necessary.  If anyone was denied, he fought for that person directly in Harrisburg.  Veon convened a meeting to inform members and their families about health care, prescription drug coverage, heating assistance and food programs when we needed them the most.  He established a partnership with the Mon Valley Unemployed Committee to help us with our unemployment benefits and other services.  Many union members are not in his district, but he was concerned more about the person, not where they live.

“On the eve of the holidays, Veon made arrangements to have a supply of gifts for our children brought to our union meeting place.  On the same day, he scheduled a food distribution program.  In addition to food products, we received supermarket vouchers.  His effort brightened our holidays, especially for our children.

“While nothing takes the place of having our jobs, Veon has made a difficult situation more tolerable and hopeful for the workers and our families.  Veon is a champion of the working man and is not afraid to stand with us in defending our jobs.  At the same time, he has compassion and concern for us as individuals.  I am grateful to Mike Veon, my friend and the friend of my members and their families.”

[RWC] Here are some observations about this letter.

·        Despite Mr. Veon’s alleged caring and clout, these people are still out of work.

·        Just about everything Mr. Veon allegedly did should have been done by his union.  What is labor union management doing to earn the dues it forcibly collected from employees?

·        It appears others paid for Mr. Veon’s “compassion and concern.”  Are we to believe Mr. Veon paid for the alleged “supply of gifts for our children brought to our union meeting place” or the “food products” and “supermarket vouchers?”

·        I know this is cynical, but it appears Mr. Veon is doing a good job of keeping people dependent upon him and government.

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