Tom and Nancy Taylor – 4/24/07

This page was last updated on April 24, 2007.

Turn site into a memorial; Tom and Nancy Taylor; Beaver County Times; April 24, 2007.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“After reading the article on the Wal-Mart Dixmont site on Saturday, we discussed the situation.

“We came to the conclusion that the best option for the site is to create a community park and memorial site to the lives of the poor anonymous souls who were housed in the institution, died there and were buried without even a grave marker.

“No one loved them in their lifetime.  Maybe Wal-Mart can extend an olive branch of peace to them in their eternal rest.”

[RWC] What did Wal-Mart do to “the poor anonymous souls who were housed in” Dixmont?

“With the very deep pockets of Wal-Mart, it is the least the company can do to help support local communities and to right the wrong of the construction site gone awry.”

[RWC] Have you ever noticed how some people are so generous with someone else’s money?

Why isn’t making the development a success “the least the company can do?”

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