Anthony Tepsic – 4/9/09

This page was last updated on April 18, 2009.

Specter’s decision lets down workers; Anthony Tepsic; Beaver County Times; April 9, 2009.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter let down working men and women, both in Pennsylvania and across America, by coming out against the Employee Free Choice Act.”

[RWC] You can find most of my comments in my critique of “Bill makes it easier to form a union.”

“His vote was crucial for passage of this bill, which would help workers organize a union.

“It doesn’t necessarily surprise me that Specter didn’t endorse EFCA, but I must say that I am disappointed by his stated reasons for not supporting it.

“First, I’m surprised that he has fallen for the lie that EFCA would deny workers a secret ballot.  EFCA does not do away with the secret ballot.  What it does do is take from the employer the power to dictate how a union will be organized.”

[RWC] Theoretically, employees could still call for an election with secret ballots, but it’s unlikely an employee intimidated to check the card for a union would also check the box (if provided) demanding an election.

Finally, let’s remember the employer is the guy providing the jobs and will pay the bill for whatever choice the employees make, yet folks like Mr. Tepsic believe the employer should have no input in the certification process.  Is it asking too much to allow the employer to request an election with secret ballots?  As I’ve written before, labor union management won’t admit it, but the employer’s current right to call for an election protects both the employer and the employee.  Currently, an employee who feels intimidated (whether by the employer or labor union management) knows that regardless of what he does with the organizing petition, he can vote his true position in secret.  If a person is afraid of an election with secret ballots, he’s hiding something.

“Second, I’m insulted by his comments concerning union intimidation of workers.  Yet he remains silent about employers who illegally fire one in four union organizers, about employers who spend millions of dollars on firms whose sole purpose is to scare workers away from unions and about employers who threaten to close a plant if a union is organized.”

[RWC] Note Mr. Tepsic doesn’t provide any references for his accusations.

As for “employers who threaten to close a plant if a union is organized,” how is that different from labor union management threatening to strike an employer if the employer doesn’t comply with labor union management demands?

“Specter has been a past co-sponsor of EFCA, yet he changed his mind.

“I can only hope he will change his mind one more time.”

[RWC] Unfortunately, Mr. Tepsic has reason to hope.  I suspect that if Mr. Specter survives the 2010 Republican primary or decides to run as an independent, he will switch back to supporting the card check bill.

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