Jim Thomas – 10/22/06

This page was last updated on October 22, 2006.

The truth is …; Jim Thomas; Beaver County Times; October 22, 2006.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“Here are just a few comments representing a few recent editorials from the Times’ brain-thrust [sic].”

[RWC] I believe Mr. Thomas mean “brain trust.”

“They called the war in Iraq the ‘Bush-generated mess.’

“The truth is Bush went to Iraq with lots of Democratic support.

“They constantly refer to Social Security as an entitlement.

“The truth is that my employers and I paid for it.  Entitlement, my foot!  It’s mine.”

[RWC] Employers don’t pay for Socialist Security, though the legislation was written to make it appear that way.  In truth, the full 12.4% (and the full 2.9% for Medicare) comes out of your pocket.

I covered this topic in my critique of the editorial entitled “Now or never.”

“They recently stated it’s time for the silent majority to make themselves heard on [sic] abortion issue.

“The truth is America’s silent majority has made themselves heard for more than 40 years on the abortion issue, and the result has been more than 40 million abortions.”

[RWC] I’m not sure I understand this sentence.  Did Mr. Thomas mean to write, “America’s silent majority has NOT made themselves heard?”

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