Roger L. Thomas – 4/26/05

This page was last updated on May 1, 2005.

Opportunity for greatness; Roger L. Thomas; Beaver County Times; April 26, 2005.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“In case there’s any doubt, I disagree with George W. Bush’s policies from getting up in the morning until going to bed at night.”

[RWC] If you can read, you have no doubt.

“I’ve written with clarity against his tax and budget policies.  The Senate Report has just verified again that John Bolton and others pressed intelligence officers to make findings that justified the war in Iraq.  This war cost thousands of lives.  The bankruptcy program will bankrupt us.  And he had no business in the Terri Schiavo matter.”

[RWC] Mr. Thomas and I apparently have different definitions of “clarity.”  Historically, Mr. Thomas’ letters have been full of – I’ll be generous – incorrect statements.  See my critiques of his previous letters.

“Bush still has an opportunity for greatness.  He went into Iraq to depose Saddam Hussein and encourage democracy.  Saddam is gone.  There are three tests to democracy: inter party competition, an independent judiciary and an orderly transfer of power.”

[RWC] Mr. Thomas has apparently changed his mind about why he believes the U.S. attacked Iraq.  See my critique of his letter of September 30, 2004.

“Iraq now has at least two - and arguably all three - of these.  The mission is accomplished.  Now leave.”

[RWC] I’m glad Mr. Thomas didn’t give this advice after World War II.  Nazis (socialists) would have rebuilt Germany and Japan would still have an emperor.

“If Bush leaves in good order he can claim credit for all the independence movements in the area.  There is movement in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  He could even claim credit for the developments in Ukraine and Albania.

“If he dallies he will entangle us in another mess, and he will lose it all.

“He has the chance to be as great as President James K. Polk if he keeps his eye on the ball and leaves after the Iraqi election.  His mission will have been accomplished.”

[RWC] Wow, comparing President Bush to a pre-Civil War Democrat!  Mr. Thomas must be getting soft. <g>

Given Mr. Thomas’ position regarding President Bush, Mr. Bush could do everything Mr. Thomas wants and he would still rant about President Bush.

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