Lillian Vance – 3/9/11


This page was last updated on March 9, 2011.

What is this world coming to?; Lillian Vance; Beaver County Times; March 9, 2011.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Thursday’s paper shocked me no end.

“First, Rutgers University is allowing boys and girls to share the same room and bathroom.”

[RWC] I don’t know about Rutgers, but co-ed dorms have been around for decades.

“Then, the pope announced that the Jewish people are not responsible for the death of the Lord.”

[RWC] This has been part of Catholic Church teaching since at least the 1965 Vatican Council II.  In my eight years at St. Titus grade school and four years of high school CCD classes from the late-1950s to 1970, I was never taught Jews as a group were “responsible for the death of the Lord.”

“Finally, President Barack Obama claims a man and a woman do not constitute a marriage only, but that it can also be between two men or two women.  It is moronic.”

[RWC] In fairness to Mr. Obama, I don’t believe he said this.  Mr. Obama simply said his administration would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court.  Mr. Obama claimed his administration would continue to enforce the law, however, because the Constitution requires it.  I know this is a cheap shot, but I believe Mr. Obama’s position on this issue depends on the politics of the moment.

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