Joan Verner – 10/2/15


This page was last updated on October 13, 2015.

Hillary’s accomplishments speak for themselves; Joan Verner; Beaver County Times; October 2, 2015.

Previous letters from Ms. Verner include “Greathouse is a hero,” “A senseless war like Vietnam,” and “On the eve of destruction.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“How could any serious adult consider that Hillary Clinton was not an accomplished woman?

“I read Donald Gentzel’s letter to the editor stating that he considered Mrs. Clinton an unaccomplished woman.  He stated that she had been First Lady, a United States Senator and the Secretary of State for our country.  Wow!  That is quite an achievement in itself.”

[RWC] President Clinton appointed his wife to head his Task Force on National Health Care Reform, the product of which became known as Hillarycare.  Hillarycare was so bad, it went nowhere despite a Democrat-majority Congress (both House and Senate).  Mrs. Clinton also spent a chunk of her time as FLOTUS dealing with her husband’s “bimbo eruptions,” blaming them on a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”  The “vast right-wing conspiracy” theory fell apart when we learned of the blue dress.  (Note: Readers may be surprised to learn I did not believe Mr. Clinton did what was claimed until the blue dress.  I didn’t like Mr. Clinton, but I didn’t want to believe a sitting U.S. president would have such little respect for his country, his office, and his family that he would do what he did.)

Mrs. Clinton knew she had an accomplishment problem during her 2008 campaign.  Mrs. Clinton tried to address this issue by lying.

Regarding Mrs. Clinton’s time as U.S. senator from NY, it was a gift from the Democrat party.  Mrs. Clinton was a carpetbagger; she never lived in NY until she ran to replace the retiring Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D).  When Mrs. Clinton announced she would run, previous frontrunner candidate Rep. Nita Lowey (D) stepped aside.  What were Mrs. Clinton’s signature accomplishments as U.S. senator?  I remember Mrs. Clinton voting for the Iraq War Resolution, then acting as if she didn’t for most of the rest of her time as senator.

Other than jeopardizing national security by employing a personal e-mail server, what were Mrs. Clinton’s signature accomplishments as Secretary of State?

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