Tanya Y. Waschak – 9/4/09

This page was last updated on September 6, 2009.

Some questions for right-wingers; Tanya Y. Waschak; Beaver County Times; September 4, 2009.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“In response to Friday’s letter to the editor ‘Some questions for left-wingers,’ here are some questions I want right-wingers to answer:”

[RWC] This letter is equal in quality to “Some questions for left-wingers” of August 28th by Carolyn Kalember.  I would have provided a link to the previous letter, but the Times changed its website again so content posted prior to Saturday, August 29th, is no longer accessible.

“Why are you against a woman’s right to decide what she wants to do with her own body legally, but you’re OK with the death penalty?”

[RWC] I suspect Ms. Waschak is referring to abortion for nothing other than convenience, though she didn’t say so explicitly.  In fairness, a lot of people who believe as Ms. Waschak don’t like to be explicit.  After all, who wants to be explicit about supporting a mother’s “right” to kill her unborn baby?  In any case, you’ll note Ms. Waschak didn’t mention the rights of the unborn child.

This is an example of the tactic of trying to assert the moral equivalence of two completely different issues. Killing an unborn child for your convenience isn’t remotely the same as executing a murderer after years of trials, reviews, and appeals.  The murderer chose to kill one or more persons.  What did an innocent unborn child do to deserve death?

“Why do you believe it is acceptable to torture alleged terrorists before one ounce of proof reveals they really are terrorists when the rest of the civilized — and even not so civilized — world condemns such practices?  Why do you not feel it violates a person’s basic human rights to be subjected to the worst possible torture tactics to gather useless information when it has been proven time and again that a person being tortured will say whatever the torturer wants to hear?”

[RWC] Wow, this is just one bogus talking point after another.  Please read my critique of “Let’s talk about double standards.”

“Why do you support poor health care for all of us?”

[RWC] Hmm, I don’t know any “right-wingers” who “support poor health care for all of us.”  Perhaps I need to expand my circle of “right-wingers.”  Please read my paper entitled “Healthcare.”

“Why is it OK, in your eyes, for giant, heartless insurance companies to rob thousands of hard-earned dollars from working people, only to deny treatments and care to those of us who need it?  Why are you so afraid of changing this broken system for one that will benefit everyone?”

[RWC] If the medical insurance industry behaved as Ms. Waschak claims, how could they stay in business and why do employees consider medical insurance to be a “must have” employment benefit?  Ms. Waschak didn’t say so, but I’d be willing to bet her idea of a healthcare “system … that will benefit everyone” is a government-run, taxpayer-funded monopoly.

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