Bill White – 10/19/06

This page was last updated on October 19, 2006.

We have no consent; Bill White; Beaver County Times; October 19, 2006.

Mr. White had quite a run of anti-Bush and/or anti-Republican letters from August 2004 through April 2005.  This is the third anti-Santorum/anti-Republican letter from Mr. White since early August 2006 and is of the same quality as all of his letters.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“One after another, Iraqi representatives are brought to the United States to give assurance of great progress and the need for continued support.  We are told by our officials of the need to stay the course in Iraq, with cut-and-run not an option.

“Unfortunately the numbers don’t add up.  Seventy percent of the Iraqi citizens want us to leave immediately, while a staggering 61 percent approve of our soldiers being killed.  Teenagers were not among those polled.

“It seems our presence has incited a civil war and created a backlash of growing insurgency.  In other words, this immoral, illegal invasion and occupation has turned upside down, throwing gasoline on the flames.”

[RWC] Note Mr. White didn’t provide any details telling us why he believes our action in Iraq is “immoral” and “illegal.”

“President Bush states he will leave Iraq if asked.  Apparently, he does not read the polling.  He has no plan to conclude this invasion; he never did.”

[RWC] Seriously, does Mr. White expect us to take action based on polls?  When President Bush said we would “leave Iraq if asked,” he meant if asked by the Iraq government elected by its citizens.

“Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush, etc., want to save face.  Remember Vietnam?  They have put our soldiers in harms [sic] way, in a position that reeks of criminality.  We are on foreign territory without consent from its citizens.”

[RWC] If our soldiers are “in a position that reeks of criminality,” why doesn’t Mr. White detail the broken laws?  Regarding “We are on foreign territory without consent from its citizens,” that’s incorrect.  We are there with the approval of the government elected by Iraq’s citizens.

“A vote for Santorum/Hart is a vote for the continuation of wasteful spending, innocent lives lost and more quagmires from which there is no escape.”

[RWC] Just as his previous letters, Mr. White tells us why he believes we should vote against Rep. Hart and Sen. Santorum, but never tells us why we should vote for their opponents.

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