Bill White – 8/19/07

This page was last updated on August 23, 2007.

Who is the enemy?; Bill White; Beaver County Times; August 19, 2007.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Iraq is not our enemy.  We have no reason to destroy its infrastructure or occupy its territories.  We don’t oppose its leadership or its allies.

“The nightly news would have us believe success is a possibility.  President Bush says to stay the course, we will win this war.”

[RWC] Mr. White appeared to believe the “nightly news” when it reported bad news.

“But where are the battle lines, the opposing troops, the enemy flag?”

[RWC] Let me get this straight.  It’s not a real war unless there are visible battle lines, uniforms, and flags?

“This is a war of communication and propaganda for the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people.”

[RWC] I didn’t know “communication and propaganda” blew up and killed people.

“The United States is losing.  Larger defense spending will not bring this quagmire to conclusion; not a trillion or yet another trillion dollars.”

[RWC] Hmm, I guess Mr. White hasn’t been listening to the press and the Democrats recently visiting Iraq.  Who knows, though?  Mr. White may still get his wish.

“Until now, a policy of ‘my way or the highway’ has been America’s voice.  Ultimately, diplomacy must be established between all nations affected by our invasion.  All points of view have to be heard, pro and con.  Every country has a right to be heard.  If this happens, a solution is then possible.”

[RWC] Neville Chamberlain, have you been reincarnated as Bill White? <g>

“Time is running out.  Someone has to take charge of negotiations and to mold a plan for the entire Middle East.  After all, whose part of the world is it anyway?”

[RWC] By “[t]ime is running out,” Mr. White means he’s worried time is running out on efforts to undermine our success.  After years of writing letters, folks like Mr. White can’t afford for us to succeed.  As House Democrat whip James Clyburn (SC) said, positive news about Iraq would be “a real big problem for us [Democrats].”  How do you get yourself into a position that good news for the country is bad news for you?

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