Steve Woyiak – 2/19/08

This page was last updated on February 19, 2008.

How far can we be pushed?; Steve Woyiak; Beaver County Times; February 19, 2008.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“People are losing their homes.  Taxes have increased.  Garbage collection fees have been raised.”

[RWC] Mr. Woyiak failed to note the people losing their homes bought houses they knew they couldn’t afford.

“Gasoline keeps going up.  Heating oil, natural gas and electricity are rising.”

[RWC] We’ve had inflation forever.

“Stamps are going up in May.  Food has risen so tremendously that it’s hard to feed a family.”

[RWC] Just wait until the full effect of taking corn production away from food and using it for ethanol production kicks in.

“I suppose we will end up eating grass with the animals and heating our homes with kerosene stoves and kerosene lamps while the politicians and the wealthy live high off the hog.”

[RWC] Has Mr. Woyiak checked the price of kerosene lately? <g>  Regarding “the wealthy” comment, you gotta love the class envy/warfare thing guys like Mr. Woyiak have going.

“No wonder we have so many homeless people living under bridges.”

[RWC] Mr. Woyiak forgot to mention the bread lines and soup kitchens.

“It sure is sad.”

[RWC] In conclusion, wow!  I believe it’s safe to assume Mr. Woyiak doesn’t wear rose-colored glasses.

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