James V. Zedak – 8/20/06

This page was last updated on August 20, 2006.

Lawmakers duck tax duties; James V. Zedak; Beaver County Times; August 20, 2006.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“As evidenced by recent half-page ads in The Times, each school district is to form a committee representing a cross section of the citizens living in that school district.

“This committee will be assigned the task of reviewing and evaluating information relative to reducing property taxes in that school district and increasing local income taxes to make up the lost revenue.

“This means there is a potential for a hodge-podge of taxes in this state as each school district sets up their own levels of taxation.  In the long term, this hodge-podge of taxation could hurt many school districts as individuals and families may evaluate the taxation in a given school district to decide where they will live.”

[RWC] Earth to Mr. Zedak, this has been happening for a long time.  At least two of my friends relocated years ago because of school district taxes.

“It could ultimately prove to be a very detrimental issue to many school districts and the citizens who live there.”

[RWC] Oh no, competition!  School districts may have to be more careful about spending and the types/levels of taxation or risk losing population.  How horrible!

“One has to wonder what pack of rocket scientists we have representing us in Harrisburg who came up with this plan as the best way to squirm out of their responsibilities to their constituents.  Wouldn’t a statewide standard applicable to all school districts be the more responsible means to settle a very controversial issue?”

[RWC] It appears Mr. Zedak believes in a “one size fits all” tax strategy, and he talks about others being “rocket scientists.”  I guess it never dawned on Mr. Zedak that the strategy for a residential community may not make sense for a community with lots of industry, et cetera.

“If Pennsylvania’s young people move out of Pennsylvania for greener pastures and a more constituent responsive government, the blame sits squarely on the shoulders of those in Harrisburg.”

[RWC] I wonder if Mr. Zedak reads what he writes.  Isn’t letting each school district determine its tax strategy “more constituent responsive government,” not less?

“It also sits on the shoulders of the voters who keep putting back into office those who refuse to honor the responsibilities of their office and know they can get away with it as evidenced by the many multi-term incumbents in office.”

[RWC] Mr. Zedak doesn’t get it.  Local municipalities and school districts must be allowed to select the tax strategy that best suits their individual demographics, local economy, et cetera.  My objection to the current action is that it doesn’t go far enough as far as tax choices and voter control.  That said, it’s a start.

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