Dominic Zuppe - 9/3/04

This page was last updated on September 4, 2004.

  We need a leader who cares; Dominic Zuppe; Beaver County Times; September 3, 2004.

I feel sorry for Mr. Zuppe’s predicament, but he’s wrong to believe the government should look out for him.  The U.S. Constitution specifically says the defense of the nation is a federal responsibility.  The Constitution says nothing about providing financial assistance to citizens.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I keep hearing how good the economy is under President Bush.

“Well, let me tell you a story.  Like most Americans, I started working early in life.  I went on disability a few years back.

“Just two months ago, I lost my medical assistance, putting me in the same position as many Americans.  I am about to lose my apartment.  Like many others, I have to make a choice whether to pay rent or buy medication and food.

“This should not be happening to anyone.  I think that $89 billion sent to Iraq could have been better served if we would have spent it in this country on people who are in need of it.

“Let’s elect a president who cares for this country first.”

[RWC] I’m sorry, Mr. Zuppe, but defense of the nation comes first and President Bush knows that.  This proves he cares for this country first.  If we don’t successfully defend our country, we won’t be able to argue about whether or not the government should take money out of my pocket and put it into yours.

I need to note we don’t know anything about the decisions Mr. Zuppe made in his life.  For example, could he have avoided his current situation if he had made different choices?  I’m not blaming Mr. Zuppe for his situation; I don’t know how he got there.

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