Dominic Zuppe – 10/19/04

This page was last updated on October 19, 2004.

One lie after another; Dominic Zuppe; Beaver County Times; October 19, 2004.

This letter is a virtual rerun of Mr. Zuppe’s letter of September 30th, Good for whom?, where you will find most of my rebuttal points.  This is Mr. Zuppe’s third anti-Bush rant since September 3rd.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“There’s an old saying ‘Where there’s smoke there’s fire.’

“Well, I guess the Bush administration has made that untrue also.  The smokescreen the Bush/Cheney team is putting up in an effort to get re-elected is built on one lie after another.

“In the second debate, the president said he would do something about Medicare - he is raising it up 17 percent in January; he will help our jobs - by sending them overseas; and he will dip into Social Security to pay for whatever he thinks he’s doing in Iraq.

“I think a Kerry/Edwards ticket will save this country.  Before it’s too late, God bless America.”

[RWC] This is Mr. Zuppe’s third letter since September 3rd, but in none of them did he provide anything to support his claim that “I think a Kerry/Edwards ticket will save this country.”  All of Mr. Zuppe’s comments are anti-Bush; none provide reasons to support Kerry.  This is a common trait among those who claim to “support” John Kerry.

© 2004 Robert W. Cox, all rights reserved.